Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Thing: Prequel Crash lands, not quite burning...

This 2011 version is the prequel to the John Carpenter version in 1982. OK fine. Should have made that clearer, sounds like a remake. This film has its scary, unsuspected and suspected jump moments in it. Could have had more. Haven't and want to see it, do not continue to  on. Certain story aspects didn't make sense. If the creature can only copy organic material, how did it copy clothes. Clothing isn't a hundred percent organic, zippers, shoe laces, rubber boot soles. It can handle clothes, but not teeth fillings and an earring. Where did the husky come from? The dog at the beginning of the film was not a husky or malamute dog. I never saw any other dogs. So either the alien has evolved and is able to completely recreate its self in a different type of creature it has taken over, or there were other dogs that weren't in the kennel area and were running around. Would have made more sense if the alien couldn't recreate metals. That would cover the fillings and earring issue. Not a bad film, but I've seen better alien or monster flicks.

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