Friday, July 5, 2013

World War Z

To be honest, I really wasn't interested in this film.
     It was a lot better than I thought, but I do agree with critic comments on the lack of emotional connection in this film. Any story has to have a balance. Action can only carry a tale so far. To truly grab a reader or audience, connection has to be made with the characters. I need to care if they live or die. I really didn't care for the most part.
     It did have its tense moments. I will admit gripping the cup holder of the chair and not realizing it for a while. It also had those predictable moments, when you knew that person was going to get it. The zombies over all wasn't bad, and at times could be creepy, in a Hannibal Lector way. Not bad, 3-D added to it, probably made it a bit better.
     I don’t if I would pay to see this, except for the 3-D with it, which might make it worth the money. Not a bad watch, but worth the cash, not so sure of that.
    There have been better zombie films: 28 Days Later, is one. This was mediocre for a zombie film.

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