Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hunger Games : Leaves one not wanting seconds

First off, I read the book. Not my cup of tea at all. It had so much potential but fell way short of what would have been a good read instead of a mediocre one. I was hoping the movie would have been better. It made the book look better. One of the worst film adaptations from a book I have ever seen. Important aspects of the book were left out from the film, which would have made it better. One would have had to have read the book to understand certain aspects in the film. A good adaptation is enhanced by reading the book, not allowing a person to fill in the missing information. So much hype for nothing.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

John Carter

This film was longer than I expected, but it wasn't a bad film. I just was expecting a bit more. It is based on the book Princess of  Mars. Its a good story, and I probably would have enjoyed it a bit more if I didn't have a headache at the time and the 3D isn't wasted, it helps draw you in to the story more. I guess its pretty good over not bad. May have been the headache issue.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Once I saw the preview for this film, I was interested, in seeing it. Denzel Washington does an excellent bad guy. Plus a topless Ryan Reynolds isn't too bad either. Not that he was the reason I watched the film. A good action flick with a few twists in it. Only problems were a couple of scenes that wouldn't have happened in real life, if this story did actually happen, but otherwise it moved smoothly and was entertaining.